by Sharon Draper
Grades 4-7
Told from the perspective of an 11 year old, whose parents are divorced, Izzy / Isabella relays her experiences being shuttled between both parents’ homes (she can’t call either house her home). Her mother is white and her father is Black and not much is ever said to her about being two different races until a racist event (targeted at her close friend) happens at school. Suddenly, Izzy is forced to “check the box” as to what her racial identity is and she doesn’t know what to do.
As the story unfolds, more events related to Izzy’s racial identity occur. A boy seems to like Izzy, but it hurts when she finds out he's curious about her “exotic” looks. When she and her Black stepbrother get profiled by the police while getting ice cream, they’re both pulled from the car and the situation becomes racist and violent.
Since everything is relayed in Izzy’s/Isabella’s voice, the story is accessible to young adolescents. There are tough topics related to blended families, divorce, race and racism that make this a reading journey to be shared between responsive parents or adults and children reading this book.
Visit Sharon Draper's website for more resources supporting Blended, including a study guide, discussion questions and additional activities.
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