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By April Dinwoodie Transracial adoptive families represent diversity in a world that is constantly observing—even while professing, it doesn’t “see color.” This reality makes it imperative that transracially adopted children are protected from the micro and macro aggressions they face by parents setting intentional, empowering boundaries. As a parent navigating the winding roads of adoption and identity, I’ve learned that fostering belonging begins with establishing clear, non-negotiable limits on what we accept from others. Defining Our Space in a Noisy read more
For those that have been at TRJ camp these last couple of years, our example of Black Excellence for this month is a familiar face that brings so much spirit to our time together. Rachel Briggs of Dream Through STEAM RI embodies Black excellence, passionately advocating for STEAM education, especially for underrepresented youth. Her work transforms lives, bridging opportunity gaps and fostering innovation. Dream Through STEAM RI, under Briggs’s leadership, creates pathways for young minds to engage with STEAM through read more
Being Prepared as a Transracial Family Have you had strangers ask inappropriate questions of you and your family? “Is she/he/them yours?” “Where are they from?” “Your child is SO lucky”. These invasive questions are part of being a family that does not match and where differences of race are obvious to the world around you. It is important to be prepared for these intrusions. March Pro-Tip to Foster Conversations About Transracial Adoptions At Transracial Journeys we send our families conversation read more